[I was a volunteer answering constituency mail and stuffing envelopes in Sen. Warren Magnuson's office in Washington, D.C., alongside a patronage job as "Senate Capitol building elevator boy (#3)]


In my job - salary over $7,000 per year) - I run into various Senators. Have taken Goldwater, talking to same, Mike Mansfield, Everett Dirkson, Aiken, Tower, "Scoop" Jackson. Have seen Senator Teddy "pain" Kennedy and other luminaries. This is simply an obligatory aside to let you know that I'm not lost in elevatoring. Even Bobby Baker, I'm told, started out on the old up 'n downs.




Besides I'm in the rains of power (literally. Never seen so much rain), calling around OFFICIAL WASHINGTON in the name of SENATOR MAGNUSON! (third most powerful man in the Senate) to obtain information and action on constituent problems. It is a real feeling of power, which has attractions that are obvious and understandable, though not for me more than a temporary play-thing. I could never stand so much power for too long a time. It's also interesting to note that, on one level, it's nerds like me who run the wheel of Washington. It's mildly frightening and simultaneously reassuring. But thank god we're temporary.