Archive and Study Centre Tasks, Winter 2018 to Closing (CF 2017)
Purpose: To continue the necessary day-to-day activities of the Archive and Study Centre
- Administration and Management
- Meetings
- Correspondence
- Environmental Monitoring and Control
- Archives
- Accessioning [Now largely reduced to additions to Community collections, through Archive Weekends. Other normal archive tasks come under Section 2, Preparation]
- Oral History
- Recording and processing
- Library
- Identify and Take in new materials [Now largely reduced to identifying clear essentials, and accessioning donations and ongoing non-cost subscriptions - e.g., Prison Service Journal, Therapeutic Communities. Other standard tasks come under Section 2, Preparation]
- National Child Care Library
- Museum
- Information Services, Public Engagement and Outreach
- Maintaining and purposing online assets
- Websites
- Phoenix Unit
- Others
- Caldecott Community
- Wennington
- SquiggleTalks
- Newsletter
- Email Groups
- pettconnect
- pett-team
- PETT Forum
- Others
- Wennington
- Social Media
- Others
- CCHN Facebook
- CCHN Twitter
- Content Delivery Systems
- Vimeo
- Flickr
- Websites
- Ongoing Projects
- British Academy Grant [Hawkspur/Mulberry Bush records]
- Oxford Project/Phoenix Unit Project
- Squiggle Talks Project
- Early Pestalozzi Children Project
- Henderson Hospital Project
- HMP Grendon Project
- Archive Weekends [purposed for Preparation]
- Caldecott
- Wennington
- New Barns
- General
- Queries and Researchers
- Events
- Maintaining and purposing online assets
- Fundraising/Generating Income
- Administration and Management
Purpose: To prepare the ground for the new archivist to hit Stage 4 running, simplifying the process of packaging and storage, making it more efficient, and reducing costs, labour and the level of expertise required of additional staff to box-list, package and move. Facilitate the handover.
- Address and resolve backlogs
- Process the Archive and Study Centre's digital business records/archive
- Translate pre-Database collections catalogues and listings into Database
- Transfer CD/DVD and external hard drive original and back-up files to FreeNas
- Rationalise (Select, compare, delete)
- Collections and Holdings Action Survey.
- Conventional Archives
- Books and Publications
- Magnetic Media
- Film, negatives, and photographic slides
- Large Objects
- Digital
- Equipment
- Having identified major conservation issues, liaise with Harwell to remove, treat, and transfer to Upper Heyford
- Special Area: Room 14 materials
- Complete removal of duplicates from all series, to reduce volume
- Re-package and remove Homer Lane Trust, Homer Lane Trust Ltd. and New Barns School records to PETT Collection
- Re-package and Catalogue John Cross core archives
- Re-package and Catalogue Roy Prideaux archives
- Agree status of outstanding materials [e.g., organisations of which John was Secretary and held material in that capacity, and organisations in which he was acting as Chair/Director of PETT, and therefore acquiring and generating material in his official capacity]
Purpose: Welcome the new archivist; introduce them to the history, policies and systems of the Archive; introduce them to the Archive and Study Centre's connections and networks, and those of the Mulberry Bush Organisation; and offer support as they familiarise themselves with the collections and the tasks ahead of them. Facilitate Craig's change of role, and enable him to reflect, share, and write up a Final Report on the first 30 years of the Archive and Study Centre.
- Recorded discussions/interview with Craig by new archivist, to capture and transfer implicit knowledge
- Opportunities for meet and greet: Specialist Archive Weekend
Purpose: Successfully transfer collections into archival storage.
- Create collections management spreadsheet
- Acquire barcodes and any necessary packaging
- Hire, vet and train additional staff
- Liaise with specialist packaging and transportation firms for paintings and other specialist material
- Liaise with Upper Heyford re transfer, enlisting community members where practicable for transfer itself, both to give ownership and to keep costs down
- Aggregate any collections still dispersed
- Package and box any outstanding materials
- Check, box list and barcode each box
- Transport, or arrange transport on a rolling basis to facilitate aggregation and processing at the site
- NOTE: Any problematic material identified at this stage will need to be separated and dealt with
Purpose: Once everything has been moved to storage, ensure site is clear and empty, and enable final goodbyes
- Final sale and disposal of shelving, fixtures and equipment
- By this time Kaki Tree and sculpture have been re-sited
- By this time all cuttings have been taken and nurtured
- Ensure date stone from New Common Room has been removed and saved
- Final New Barns Event, to enable a final goodbye, and to allow people to take away mementos
- Install and dedicate plaque
- Open Day to say thankyou and goodbye to local community
Purpose: Carry forward programmes, relationships, and resources to maintain activity and presence during storage, developing work and initiatives where possible, in order to hit the ground running in the new facility.
- Online: Ongoing Virtual Archive and Study Centre
- Websites
- Phoenix Unit
- Squiggle Talks
- Caldecott Community
- Wennington
- Social Media
- pettconnect email group
- Content Delivery
- Vimeo
- Flickr
- Websites
- Projects
- Grant supported
- British Academy Grant [Hawkpsur/Mulberry Bush]
- Red Hill School [Ralph Gee Bequest]
- National Child Care Library
- Squiggle Talks
- Established
- Oxford/Phoenix Project
- Early Pestalozzi Children Project
- Henderson Hospital Project
- HMP Grendon Project
- Grant supported
- Publications
- Newsletter
- Ralph Gee books
- Caldecott History
- Wennington [Energy Unbound]
- David Wills Autobiography
- Relationships
- Patron and Fellows
- Supporters Organisation
- Archive Weekends
- Everyday [as in Section 1]
- Online: Ongoing Virtual Archive and Study Centre